Friday, February 24, 2012


I don't usually rant or express my feelings in my blog, but I've been telling this thing to the loved ones since forever, and I still couldn't get over it. Therefore, here I am, writing this entry while drinking a bowl of hot Chinese soup.

"When opportunity knocks, just say YES."
This is my line to live by; However, things just don't go the way you wanted sometimes. Yes, say YES to every opportunity given, well... what if there are a few opportunities come at the same time? What would you do? or better yet, WHAT CAN YOU DO?

Three weeks ago, I was at Sarawak for Miss Cheong Sam Malaysia 2012 for 7 days. On the second day, I received a call, telling me that I'm selected to go for an interview for a 4 days job in Barcelona, SPAIN. I was so happy until she said the interview is tomorrow and only tomorrow. Urgggh, it's impossible for me to fly back to KL the next day, so fuck yeah, all-expenses-paid-trip to Barcelona had just gone with the wind. I know, i know, not that I confirm am the chosen one but the high possibility is there! In order to make myself feel better, I keep telling myself that it is very dangerous, it might be a scam or the whole scene would be like the movie "taken". The truth is, I don't think it will be like that. Maybe if i win the pageant I will feel a whole lot better as I've achieved my goal, but then I didn't win a single thing. Worse still, it makes me feel like I've sacrificed too much for this pageant instead. Did I? But never try, never know. Omg... this is driving me crazy.

Maybe it was fated.

Sigh, this feeling is seriously, honestly, really killing me. #LifeohLife

Oh! and you know what upset me the most? Two of my friends are going, and they keep tweeting about it. :(

Alritey, I'm ending this issue here, once and for all.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Second Valentine's Day

So, the Valentine's plan was almost close to what I've thought. It wasn't anything big, it wasn't too simple either, anyhow what matters most is the effort that counts. Of course, I believe, everyone would love to receive expensive treats or whatnot, but deep inside, you know that you are truly happy and satisfied for every little things that your special someone has done for you.

After the dinner at Tony Roma's, he drove me to the neighbourhood hotel because the surprise plan is in there! He decorated the bed with rose petals, with a stalk of rose and my gift in the middle. Roses on Valentine's season are overrated! I have had one last year - our very first Valentine's day, so I don't need it anymore for the following years, or maybe one stalk will do :). Not that I don't fancy flowers during this love occasion, just that ... it's totally not worth it. Why not spend that amount of money on a nicer dinner or better gift? Heehee.

thank you babyboo! #meloveyou

Guess what is inside that gift box? :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Hi ?

Holla! I dont know if my mojo is back or what but I am having the urge to blog.

fooling around with the camera.

I'll be celebrating the belated Valentine's day tomorrow, it's all planned by the babylove! I really really can't wait to check out what's in store for me. Could it be ...... urrgh, I don't know. Apparently, it seems big cause he's now busy preparing for it already, he even said no when I asked him for dinner just now. Wooow?

So stay tuned with me to find out more! (Okay, I know I talk as if I have got loads of readers for my blog, but well ..... sometimes it is okay to DREAM BIG right? :P)

the thing is, let just hope I'll be back.
